Sunday, April 3, 2011


Hunter has a tooth! His top right tooth broke through yesterday or the day before and the top left broke through today. It came as such a surprise since every other baby we know got the bottom two teeth first. The bottom teeth look like they'll be in any day now too so I guess he's just going to get his teeth all at once. It took him 11 months to get one tooth so he just has his own way of doing things.

Hunter's also started crawling a bit but he's much more interested in cruising. He only crawls when it's ABSOLUTELY necessary. He's so darn quick at cruising now. He'll go from the sofa to the bouncer to the wall in seconds. And he scales the walls and the back of the sofa so he can basically get anywhere. He's my little Spiderman. Adam has taught him to get up steps too, so he can make it up the first step but hasn't quite figured out how to get up the second. As soon as that happens it's all over.

He's also taking very unsteady first steps. He needs to gain some balance before he really starts walking. Basically he looks like a tiny drunk.

We've started the birthday party circuit. I don't think we will have a free weekend day for the next 2 or 3 months. That's what our weekends will be like for the next few years; birthday parties, soccer games, kid stuff. This has really changed my perspective on Hunter. He's no longer a little baby. he's a toddler now, almost a kid.

11 months is a super fun age. Hunter is getting so much more active and expressive. He smiles at everyone and laughs at our little jokes and games. His life isn't solely about being cared for anymore. He's my companion now. We go to the library, for bike rides, read books together and just have fun together.

I'm starting to get really anxious for Hunter's birthday. We've toyed with the idea of doing a Star Wars theme because he was born on Star Wars Day but I'm leaning towards doing something a little more baby oriented. Star Wars seems a little too old for him. I want to do that theme when he understands that he's busting open a Darth Vader head pinata. We still have a few weeks so I'll just see how I feel when the day approaches.

And I'll leave you with some photos from the past month.