Friday, November 11, 2011

Five For Friday

Exercise: 4 mile run, 8:43 avg pace, 2 mile walk

1. On our way to Vegas to deal with a family emergency. A downer of a road trip :(

2. My dad had knee surgery last year and had a pulmonary embolism in April which is super common after surgeries, especially at an advanced age. Well, he got another blood clot today while on a business trip near Vegas so we're on our way to give some moral support to my mom and dad.

3. Also, Music Man's parents live in Vegas which is amazing! Because it's 11/11/11 everyone and their mother are getting married, hoping for some luck with gambling or watching the fight tomorrow. There are no hotel rooms available so we're having an impromptu slumber party. It's wonderful to have family out thete and I am so thankful for them!

4. I had an amazingly social week and I can't even begin to tell you about it because my focus is on pops.

5. Here are some pics from the past week

Friday, November 4, 2011

Five for Friday

Exercise: 1.5 mile walk, 8 minutes on the elliptical and some squats (my workout got interrupted my a little man)

1. Little Man is 18 months today so we went to his well baby check up. He's doing awesome (this is what I'm thankful for today) above average height, below average weight and pretty great verbal skills. These days his favorite things are bubbles, bananas and books and he requests each multiple times a day. Also to be added to that list are trucks, trains, balls and cookies. Don't worry, I don't stuff my child with cookies, he thinks it's a cracker or any kind of snack.

2. We're having a little charity garage sale for my Mom's club so I got rid of almost all of our baby stuff. I had no problem giving away all my maternity clothes since I won't EVER fit into them again, even if I am pregnant. But sorting through the baby clothes and toys made me a little emotional because I don't have a baby anymore and I'm not sure if I'll have another. It goes by too fast.

3. We're also having a little bake sale at the garage sale and I have spent the day baking banana bread, chocolate chocolate chip mini breads and chocolate chip cookie scones. Totally unhealthy yet totally tasty. Hopefully it all sells because I cannot have all this sugar in my house. But it was fun baking and Little Man got his first taste of batter (pre egg)

4. I'm going to attempt a double digit run this weekend. It's been way too long and I'm looking forward to more than an hour of alone time.

5. Ok, it's Friday and it's movie night. Have an excellent weekend!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sweet Potato Pie... The Healthy Kind

Exercise: 5 mile walk/run 14:10 avg pace

I very rarely run/walk because when I'm running as soon as I start walking my legs think they are done and just stop. But I was just feeling it today and I really enjoyed the pace. I guess I need the slower pace because my son refuses to sleep like a normal human being and I am exhausted. But I won't get started on that because it'll get all depressing up in here.

Luckily I surround myself with moms who assure me this ish is normal and Little Man is normal and EVERYTHING is normal and I just need to chill out and have a glass of wine, so I'm having 3 for good measure ;) So today I am thankful for all the moms I surround myself with. xoxo, ladies.

On a lighter note, I made a really yummy sweet potato pie yesterday. It was easy, tasty and pretty darn healthy. If you're looking for a sinful recipe for this sweet treat, Google Paula Deen, I'm sure she has one.

This one is low fat and sweetened primarily with banana. Yum

3/4 c ww flour
1/4 c oat bran
1/4 c light margarine (I used Earth Balance Organic)
1/4 c ice water
1/4 t salt

mix flour, bran and salt and cut in the butter. then add in water by the T until you get a sandy texture that barely holds together when pressed. Press into ball, wrap in wax or parchment and refrigerate.

2 smaller sweet potatoes peeled, cubed, cooked and cooled ( I boiled mine with a little cinnamon) about 2 1/2 cups
1 very ripe banana
1/3 c brown sugar
1 t vanilla
3/4 c milk substitute ( I used almond but will use coconut next time)
1/2 c egg sub or 2 eggs
1 1/2 t pumpkin pie spice
1/4 t nutmeg
1/4 t ginger
1/4 t salt

Preheat oven to 350. Roll out dough thinly to fit in pie pan. I had some left over and made a few tiny tarts

for lunch. For the filling I just put everything in the blender until smooth and just poured it in the crust

and baked for 40 minutes. Check it at 30 and 35 just in case your oven is different. It's ready when a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

Serve with vanilla Coconut Bliss, yum yum, enjoy!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Exercise: 5 mile run - 9:53 avg pace, 5 mile bike ride

I spend a lot of time complaining and taking the wonderful things in my life for granted. I've seen so many of my fave bloggers writing about what they are thankful for this month and I'm hopping on the bandwagon. It's just a nice reminder of the good things.

I am so thankful for the weather in my part of so cal. I was thankful for my cool and breezy run this morning and baking with the doors open.

What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Home Again, Home Again

Exercise: 6.5 mile run 9:34 avg pace, 40 min mommy fit class

Music Man is at a concert and right now is the most relaxed I've felt in over a week. Vacation was amazing but more of a party than relaxing. I'll post some pics tomorrow.

I did get a few runs in. We were staying on the island in Havasu and there is a 3.5 mile bike loop in the middle so I ran it nice and easy Friday and Sunday. Taking it easy for the past few days was amazing and after today's run I feel no fatigue in my legs at all. I think it's the first 5+ mile run I've finished and not been the least bit tired. I honestly felt like I could run a marathon today. Rest days are awesome.

Unfortunately I took it a little too easy for the amount that I ate and my clothes are feeling a bit tight. I have to get super serious about a pre holiday shape up. I can't believe Thanksgiving is only 3 weeks away! I want to set goals but I feel like I set myself up for failure when I do that. I just want my jeans to fit comfortably again so I need to keep track of what i eat which means probably tracking points again.

My fitness regimen is pretty spot on. I do cardio 6-7 days a week, 3-4 of which are running. And I do some sort of strength training 2-3 days per week. There's always room for improvement but I honestly feel that my exercise routine is awesome and it's the eating I need to reign in.

I guess I will set a goal of tracking my points starting tomorrow and if the scale doesn't budge I can scrap it next Sunday if I want.

What are your health and fitness goals for November?