Sunday, December 30, 2012

Fun W/ Photos

And red lips. RAWRRRR

Definitely need to work the red lips more in the future. Makes me feel fancy. Especially when dressed head to toe in Target ;)

Bonus Mile

Exercise: 7.85 mile run. Planned for 7 miles but took a different route and ended up close to 8. Bonus!

Running and exercise have really been on the back burner with all the holidays. Seasonal fun and tons of baking have been occupying all my time. My pants finally took notice. It's no good :) I'm definitely looking forward to training for some small race... and not baking nearly as much. Although I haven't gone off the deep end I could definitely use fewer cookies in my life.

And now I'm going to negate my exercise for today and go eat some tasty barbecue with the parental units! That's the perfect balance ;) Right?!

I wasn't going to run tomorrow because I've been running everyday but then it occurred to me that I'd feel weird not running the last or first day of the year. So I guess I'm on a streak. Sweet, dude.

Hope you're having a relaxing Sunday!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Rainy Day Play

Exercise: Hoping for 30-40 minutes of elliptical and strength but won't freak out if it doesn't happen. I ran a great 8 miler yesterday so a little rest on this rainy day won't hurt.

I'm sitting in the car on this drizzly Saturday while Little Man naps in the back. He passed out cold on our way to an indoor play area and it really worked out for the best. I got to finish reading my 3rd book this month! Nuts.

I started reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn at the end of November and enjoyed the writing so much I decided to read all her books. I give Gone Girl an A-, Sharp Objects a B and Dark Places a B+. I don't read many crime/ mysteries anymore so it was refreshing to read fiction with creepy twists and turns...although some were a bit contrived. All the books were dark,  but great. I would recommend them all.

Little dude is awake so now it's his turn to play and read. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lazy Days

Exercise: 1.5 mile walk...slooooow

Music Man and I were discussing how yesterday and today both feel like extended Sundays. And that it will probably feel like that until next Monday and then it will start over again after the new year. So weird having holidays early in the week!

We have been enjoying all the family time and went to a very cool museum together yesterday. It happened to be a special 'Snow Day' there so the little got his first taste of snow. He loved it! And then spent the remainder of the day hanging out together as a family

Today was another lazy day. Little Man and I did attend a great play date this morning but lazed around until nearly 4pm. Then we peeled ourselves from the sofa to ride bikes and hug trees ;).

Hopefully tomorrow will be a little more productive. But, heck, I blogged 2 days in a row. Christmas Miracle!

Have a great Friday!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Exercise: 3.1 easy miles

December has been so much fun. It's the first year that little man actually gets Christmas so we've been having a great time enjoying winter festivities and creating new traditions. We had a tree trimming party, have taken numerous walks and drives to see Christmas lights, Little Man got to see Santa and recited his list including: trains, caboose, pizza and chocolate ;). I am pleased to report all his Christmas wishes came true.

I hope you are having a lovely season and end to the year. I'm starting to feel like next year is going to be awesome!!!