Thursday, February 9, 2012

Join em'

I thought it would be a long long time before I joined a gym again but today Little Man and I toured our neighborhood Y. And we both loved it! From the new cardio equipment to the 25 meter pool to the awesome free childcare, we were both instantly smitten.

And I can't wait for tomorrow! My plan is a 4 mile run and a 1/2 mile swim. Maybe I'll hop on a bike so I can do a whole triathlon:) So many options, and I can't wait to try zumba.
In all honesty, I'm a bit nervous about the childcare since I've  never left Little Man in a strange place. But I toured the facility and met some of the caretakers and I feel pretty positive. It helps that one of my friends has been leaving her 6 month old there for a few months and she's beyond satisfied. So I'm ready to give it a shot.

Even though I'm worried about the childcare I'm so excited to not have to worry about waking up before the sun or trying to exercise and do all my other chores during nap time. It feels so freeing. But I guess we just have to see how the Little dude does. He loved it today so I'm crossing my fingers he loves it tomorrow.

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