Saturday, April 7, 2012

Half Pre Cap

Exercise: soon to run 13.1!!!

I woke up at 3am after not getting to sleep until after 10. I was in bed before 9 but nerves and barking dogs had me awake too late. I tried to get back to sleep for a bit but I woke up super eager so I guess that's a good thing.

It only took 20 minutes to get ready and take care of business so I was out the door before 4am and arrived here about 15 minutes later. Driving in LA is awesome at 4am!!! And I'm so glad I got here early because there is now a line into the parking garage and I got the space closest to the exit.

I never before worried about getting a specific parking space because I rarely mind walking. But after waiting for over an hour to exit the parking garage from the expo (with a toddler) yesterday, I learned my lesson.

Now I have an hour to figure out where my corral is, use the potty, and get situated.

Here goes...

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