Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lentil Tostada

Exercise: 30 mins elliptical, 20 mins strength

The 5 am wake ups are becoming the norm so I guess I don't need to blog about it all the time, but I'm impressed with myself that I've been able to consistently get my ass out of bed that early :) Also, I've started incorporating a smoothie into my daily meal plan. I was going to make it a challenge, but as soon as I write that word I fail. So, I've just been doing it and it's going great. I didn't put any time constraints on it so if I don't choose to do it tomorrow it's not a failure.

Smoothies are a great breakfast option for me. I've been making huge ones, with tons of fruit, veggies, protein powder, and yogurt or cottage cheese. And there's enough left over to make a perfect mid morning snack. Green smoothies are pretty darn tasty. You know who else thinks so?

A perfect way to get in extra fresh fruits and veggies

The pre-cooked lentils at Trader Joe's have been a favorite around here for awhile. They are a perfect topping for salads or warmed up for a grain bowl. The last few days I've been putting them on everything from salads, to tostadas, to sandwiches.

Lentils mixed with avocado, grated carrots and salsa for an awesome tostada. Topped with spinach and TJ's creamy feta dressing

Lentil salad sandwich on sprouted rye. Inside I mixed lentils, avocado, tomato, grated carrot, veganaisse, dijon, and topped with shredded cheddar and the crushed up ends of a bag of potato chips. Amazing! Served with sliced cucs.

I'm hosting a play date and potluck later so I need to tidy up a bit and hopefully read a little more 50 Shades ;) (blushes) It's so ridiculous so far, but ridiculously entertaining. I do have to say I'm getting a bit annoyed with how many "quirking up" and "magic"ing of facial features there are. Almost every other page this Christian dude is quirking an eyebrow or lip. It's becoming a little redundant. Oh well, I obviously keep going back...

Hope you have a great day!

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