Saturday, June 2, 2012

Nothing Hotter

Exercise: Run 5.5 miles, walk 1.5

I knew I was being stupid this morning on my run. I felt so good my first mile and figured I could push a little harder. I pushed too hard and at 5.25 miles I got a shooting pain in my calf and and knew I had to stop. I called music man to pick me up but decided to walk it out a little. 

I'm thinking the hamstring and the calf issues are coming from the trail running. Just going out too hard on the hills? Soooo R.I.C.E it is. I'm going to ease off running, I've been icing all day, I broke down and bought compression socks and now I'm kicking back with my feet up.

I think the challenge is probably not in my best interest this month. I want to be able to run my half next week and I'm hoping that by resting this week I will be in better shape to do so. I feel as though my training is sufficient for completing it. Then I plan to take a few weeks off of running all together.

Swimming this week has been wonderful and I plan to continue adding it into my weekly workout indefinitely. Music man has been urging me to try his road bike so I hope to incorporate more road biking into my life. The rest of the time I will spend on my home elliptical because it's effective and easy because it's only a few steps away. When my legs are back to normal I will definitely add running back but cross training is great for now.

Now I must get back to my R.I.C.Eing. There really is nothing hotter than mini skirts and compression socks :)

Have a great weekend!

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