Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Switch

Exercise: 6 mile trail run, 6 mile road ride
It's amazing how great a good run feels. Since I've been running less the runs I do go on seem better and better. Now I'm going for a run because I want to go, not because I have to. And it honestly feels like a treat; like I get to go running, yay!
My workouts are so varied now, for instance, this was my week in workouts:
Mon-45 mins elliptical, 20 mins weights
Tues-1 mile swim, 2 mile run
Thurs-4 mile run, 2 mile walk
Fri-1 mile swim, 2 mile walk
Sat-Pop physique class
Sun-6 mile run, 6 mile bike
Switching everything up has been really good for me. I haven't been bored with workouts for a while. And I am really enjoying trying new classes.
I've been waiting for a CrossFit Groupon since I first passed the box on my way home from Music Man's studio. After reading other blogger's love of CrossFit I knew I needed to give it a whirl. And you know what? So glad I did!
CrossFit is no joke. It's a high impact, high intensity workout that includes heavy lifting as well as cardio intervals. I knew there would be a timed Workout Of the Day but didn't know what else was involved. But I came to find out there is no messing around.
The workout began with a warm up of jogging, squats and some stretches. From the very beginning the instructor was correcting form on just the warm ups. Because if form is wrong you won't get the optimum results. Then we moved onto skills to perfect before we started the WOD. I did my first ever wall balls and sumo squats with pulls. Just perfecting the skills had my heart rate soaring. But nothing compared to the WOD.
The WOD was:
3x for time
10 push ups
10 sumo squats with pulls(35)
15 wall balls
200m run
I finished in 12:04 and have nothing to compare that to but know I worked my a$$ off. I know because I was out of breath and nearly nauseous but also sore for 3 days! I really loved it, not enough to drink the Kool Aid yet, but definitely want to try it again.
Just a few days ago I purchased a Living Social deal for Pop Physique. A friend of mine is into ballet so we figured we could try it together. I wasn't super impressed but we're going to give it another try tomorrow. I think we both felt that the workout was something we could have done on our own and it was just a bit slower than I usually like. But it was fun and I definitely was sore on places I don't usually feel so it's worth trying again. There is a different teacher tomorrow so let's hope that makes a difference.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and have a great and safe holiday!

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