Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oatless Oatmeal

Exercise: 50 mins steady state elliptical, 3 mile run 9:05 avg pace

So far this has been a pretty great week. I feel like I am in the groove and I haven't felt that way for awhile. Sleep has been fantastic which has definitely been a part of it and that's probably due to eating so much better. And not having an alcoholic beverage in almost a week.

 So breakfast has been the hardest meal for me to get creative with. Spinach omelets are great but after almost a week they've gotten pretty boring. High protein, no grain breakfasts are pretty hard to come by; it's really eggs, meat, or nuts. Today I made Tina's Oatmeal Minus the Oats for a change of pace. I shouldn't have told Music Man the ingredients because he had a hard time getting past the visual of eggs as oats. But I have to say I think it was a success.

I followed the basic recipe but added in an extra banana, a few T's of chia & hemp seeds and an extra splash of almond milk and it was perfect for the 2 of us. I topped mine with blackberries and blueberries and Music Man had a drizzle of local honey as well. I did like it but I think it could have tasted a bit better minus the ground flax. I used Trader Joe's and it tastes like motor oil to me so I need to find another flax meal I like.

Not only was this breakfast a nice change of pace, it also held up really well. I didn't get the case of the munchies until lunch. Music Man had the same experience and he even did a 20 mile ride with lots of climbing post breakfast. This meal passed the test but I think I may leave the flax out all together next time. I also think protein powder might be a tasty addition.

After breakfast Little Man and I went to the splash pad in Oak Park and he had so much fun playing in the water with his little friends.

That's my big day! Next on the agenda: Target with 2 toddlers. Say a prayer ;)

Have a great Tuesday!

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