Monday, August 6, 2012

Back in the LBC

Exercise: 3.75 mile run/walk

Saturday's workout was a 13.1 hilly, technical, and character building :) trail run. My legs are still recovering so I took it easy today and just did a little shake out. Lucky for me I'm at the parental unit's once again so at least the weather was decent.

Today has turned out to be pretty decent for a Monday. My mother is feeling under the weather so Little Man and I came back down to the LBC to keep her company/ lift her spirits. It worked. And in return we get to be lazy beach bums. Well, lazy front yard bums. Little Man is enjoying his redneck hot tub:) and I'm enjoying not having to think about stuff that needs to get done around the house.

Here are a few photos from the past few days. Have a great week!

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