Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Toe Up

Exercise: active rest, walk, bike, etc.

Yesterday I opted to run 8 miles instead of tackling a long run. You always hear it's better to under train than over train and my training has been pretty spot on thus far so a shorter run was just fine. And I'm so glad I only did 8 because it was effing torture.

I don't want to get too graphic, but by mile 4 I thought my insides were going to explode. I kept having to stop and walk until I got to the nearest restroom over a mile away. It didn't offer any relief so I jog/ walked the rest of the way home. Longest 8 miler ever, took me almost 90 minutes to complete. Ughhh.

Today I planned to run but I've been running with a painful big toe the last few days that has now become grossly infected. Yay. I'm hoping to get into a podiatrist today but am so nervous to get diagnosed because I'm pretty sure I won't be running for awhile. Never good to hear during Marathon training. Or ever really.

This So Cal cloudy, gloomy day perfectly reflects my attitude. I'm feeling very sorry for myself at the moment. Time to turn my focus to being grateful for all the awesomeness in my life.

I'll let you know how it goes...

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