Friday, October 5, 2012

Five for Friday

1.18 miles! Boom!
2. Get to spend the rest of the day in yoga pants while Little Man feeds me grapes... or throws them at my head
3. Homemade pizza for dinner
4. Thinking about switching to WordPress since Music Man has a host and created a page for me
5. Dude, it's Friday!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Date with Music Man

Exercise: 6.5 mile run. 9:57 avg pace
Yesterday's mommy workout killed me. I didn't realize how tough all those squats, lunges and leg raises would be on me but now I can't walk down stairs. Sign of a good workout :) Needless to say my run this morning was a little slow and painful.
Music Man and I got to go on a date on Sunday to see one of our favorite bands, Wilco. We saw them at the Hollywood bowl which is always a fun outing. We had decent seats, a bottle of Pinot and some tasty picnic food complete with homemade banana cupcakes w/ cream cheese frosting. So good.
One of the fun things about going to the bowl is getting there from the valley. Multiple freeways, Hollywood traffic and stacked parking can make for an annoying night so we've started taking alternative transit. We drove to the subway next to Universal Studios, hopped the train to Hollywood/ Highland and then walked the mile to the bowl. It was funny because the last time I was on the stretch from Hollywood/ highland to the bowl was when I ran the Hollywood half marathon. It made me nostalgic and want to run it again.
I didn't take any photos of our outing but MM did. He was downloading a new blogging ap to my ipad and did a test photo upload with a few of the pics and a random one. I love what he chose so I just left them below as is. Cute.
Have a great rest of your week!



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just Your Daily Crisis

Exercise: 4 mile walk and 30 min circuit w/ mommies

Ahhhh... Today has been one of those days, just one thing after another after another. Little Man was woken up at 6 by loud people on the street which caused me to miss my workout. Music Man woke up early so I could at least get a walk in (xo!). Then the coffee maker decided to stop working (crisis!!!) While Music Man was fixing the coffee maker Little Man broke one of his favorite toys and then lost one of his others and that resulted in tears and whining. It's a case where one thing was annoying but the avalanche of crap made me freak out. Maybe the pmsing had something to do with it ;)

After the coffee maker was fixed and I was calmed down the morning smoothed out. I met up with some ladies in my MOMS club for a little circuit training while the kids played. My legs are already sore from the bevy of squats and lunges. After all the playing Little Man fell asleep in the car (ftw) so I got to have a leisurely shower and a nice lunch with MM.

Now I'm back at preschool for the afternoon. I'm definitely going to be the last parent to leave. I didn't mind when there were a few other parents here but now it's getting a little depressing. Not because I want to leave him (not entirely ;) but because I want him to be confidant without me. Otherwise he's doing extremely well and still loves school.

Here's to the rest of the day going smoothly. Hopefully for you too!