Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Date with Music Man

Exercise: 6.5 mile run. 9:57 avg pace
Yesterday's mommy workout killed me. I didn't realize how tough all those squats, lunges and leg raises would be on me but now I can't walk down stairs. Sign of a good workout :) Needless to say my run this morning was a little slow and painful.
Music Man and I got to go on a date on Sunday to see one of our favorite bands, Wilco. We saw them at the Hollywood bowl which is always a fun outing. We had decent seats, a bottle of Pinot and some tasty picnic food complete with homemade banana cupcakes w/ cream cheese frosting. So good.
One of the fun things about going to the bowl is getting there from the valley. Multiple freeways, Hollywood traffic and stacked parking can make for an annoying night so we've started taking alternative transit. We drove to the subway next to Universal Studios, hopped the train to Hollywood/ Highland and then walked the mile to the bowl. It was funny because the last time I was on the stretch from Hollywood/ highland to the bowl was when I ran the Hollywood half marathon. It made me nostalgic and want to run it again.
I didn't take any photos of our outing but MM did. He was downloading a new blogging ap to my ipad and did a test photo upload with a few of the pics and a random one. I love what he chose so I just left them below as is. Cute.
Have a great rest of your week!



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