Saturday, November 3, 2012

28 Days Later

Is one of my favorite movies and also about how long it's been since I've blogged. I've thought about ending this little blog because I just haven't had time to post and I feel guilty to have let down the 4 people that regularly follow it ;) But I will be keeping it because it's fun to have a record of past thoughts and endeavors. So I'll just be posting when I have time or something exciting enough to tell the world.

So here's what I've been up to:

1. Training for the Malibu Marathon November 11. I've managed to complete a few long runs including 18, 20 & 22 milers. I feel nervous but pretty prepared. I have a few goals but my main objective is to finish happy under 5 hours. If that could be closer to 4:30, that would be cool.

2. Family trip to Lake Havasu. So much fun and pretty relaxing. 3 solid days boating and open water swimming while staying in a house right on the water. So great.

3. Halloween Festivities. It's the first year Little Man really understands it and it has been so much fun. Since October 21st we've had a party or some Halloween oriented event. Now I'm getting really excited for Christmas.

4. Preschool update: I'm still there, it's annoying and I'm getting frustrated. We're giving it until the end of the semester and at that point we'll decide whether we stay at this school, find another, or postpone until Little Man is a little older.

And here are some crappy photos from the past month :)

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