Thursday, January 3, 2013

Another Quickie

Exercise: 1.5 mile walk and 55 min elliptical

Because LA traffic can be a nightmare I left my house quite early for a dentist appointment this morning. I arrived with 20 mins to spare so I used the time to enjoy some fresh air and take a walk. It was a great way to start the day and a great way to ease some pre-dentist stress. Which was unnecessary anyway because it turns out my teeth are pretty healthy. Sweet.

We are still in the midst of intensive potty training so today has been busy busy busy. Yesterday was just exhausting but today showed some real progress (like leaving the house for 2 hours without any accidents) which feels like such an accomplishment. I'm hoping that with how focused we've been that tomorrow will be the last exhausting day and the future will just be follow through. Fingers crossed ;)

And lastly, if you enjoy pork chops, you must try this recipe from Smitten Kitchen. It was so incredibly easy and delicious. In fact, if you ever don't know what to make for dinner, always check the SK site first. You won't be sorry!

Have a wonderful end of the week and an awesome weekend.

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