Tuesday, June 18, 2013

18 weeks

....Remain in this pregnancy. Yup, I haven't posted in so long I'm almost 6 months pregnant. Also, we moved, to a brand new city in a brand new county. I kinda miss LaLa land but I love our new home. 

Exercise this pregnancy has been a little hit or miss. Packing and moving definitely put a hitch in my giddy up but my main issue is tripping and injuring myself. Yup, 3 times already I've tripped and been injured for weeks at a time. Ugh. So running has fallen by the wayside because I don't want to kill myself, ha. I did run up to 17 weeks and now I'm trying to walk whenever I can get in the miles; 3-4 days a week. We also have a community pool a few blocks away so we go there quite often.

This pregnancy has been quite different from my previous one. Little Man's pregnancy was one of those where I had no symptoms but an expanding waist. Had I not had that I could easily be one of those women that didn't know they were pregnant. This time around I've had all the symptoms from extreme nausea weeks 6-11 to heart burn, fatigue, bloating and blah. Definitely feel pregnant this time.

My cravings haven't been too weird. Chicken and rice is the main one. Which isn't weird in general but weird for me since I don't love chicken or rice. Steak and potato girl hands down. 

And here are a few pictures of our new home and my big belly.

Hope you all have been well!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what happened, but all of the blogs I was following went away and they're now back! I'm just catching up! Your house looks really nice! I love the big kitchen!!!
