Monday, June 24, 2013

Plum Crazy

There are always surprises when buying a new home. Luckily ours have mostly been good... One of our first discoveries was that all the backyard trees were fruit trees. They were all barren when we first saw the house in April. By May it was clear we had fruit trees but not sure exactly what fruit they would bare. Now, in June, we know we have peach, plum, lemon and apple. The apples have a while yet but the plums are going crazy, incredibly sweet and juicy. I've never had fruit so delicious from my backyard.

So what does one do with an abundance of plums? First, give them away, you will have more and chances are your neighbors will give you delicious things in return like zucchini and avocados. Second, eat straight from the tree; wipe those babies off and eat 'em quick before your clothes are covered in pink plum juice. Lastly, bake many cakes. 

So far I've made delicious plum cobbler with a peach cobbler recipe and just sliced plums as a substitution. A little more tart like a tart cherry pie but so incredibly delicious, especially with ice cream.

I also made the New York Times Plum Torte. Another simple but beautiful dessert. And it's not super sweet so could be great as a coffee or snack cake. But I'm prego so everything is better with ice cream!

I'm having some issues linking recipes so here ya go:

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool that you have fruit trees that are producing! The desserts looked fantastic! Also, even when I'm not pregnant I think everything is better with ice cream :}
