Monday, April 23, 2012

Cross Country

Exercise: 4.5 mile run- 10 min avg pace, 25 min strength and balance training

I normally don't run Mondays but took off Sunday in favor of transplanting a few trees which was a much bigger job than I expected. I thought I was taking it easy but my chest and arms know differently, they are pretty sore today.

Saturday I did my 10 mile trail run and for the first time was able to run with a local running group called the ultra ladies. I joked with Music Man that I exercised restraint and did not introduce myself as Ultra Lauren ;) I ran about 3 miles with them but they were planning a 16 mile loop and I just wanted 10 so I went off on my own for a nice, hilly out & back. I might do the full loop with them next month... If I'm in good enough shape.

The first few miles were pretty uneventful, it was nice having people to talk to since I'm so used to running alone. When I went off on my own I enjoyed the views and the amazing weather until I was on my way back and a teenager jumped out from some bushes and made me nearly pee my pants. He apologized profusely, apparently he mistook me for one of his friends. But we were both pretty mortified.

I made it back from the run in one piece with only minor chafing from the Camelbak. I definitely need to wear it much tighter, after a few adjustments I got it pretty comfortable but maybe tighten up the arm straps a tiny bit more. The main chafing area was under the chest strap so I either need to wear a shirt with a higher neckline or get/make a cover for the straps, like this. I will look so cool.

Tomorrow I'll do some speed work, and perhaps, some hill work Thursday and probably a normal long run on Saturday. We have back to back birthday parties this weekend, one of which we are hosting, so this week might be a little weird for exercise. I will try to get some good workouts in, But I may be waking up before 5am to do them. Super yay.

Maybe I can get serious about focusing on nutrition this week. Maybe... ;) I really need to clean up my eating. I eat tons of veggies and eat well most of the time but yesterday, for instance, my salad included tons of vegetables as well as a pound of bacon and cheese, literally. It was delicious but you can't exactly call it healthy. I also have found myself imbibing too much. I'm thinking I should jump on the WIAW bandwagon or get back into food journaling at the very least.

 If you're interested in making this delicious bacon salad here's the basic recipe
I used shredded carrots instead of cauliflower and 1/2 reduced fat mayo 1/2 reduced fat sour cream

Tonight I found out we're going to Virginia Beach in June for a few days. It will be Little Man's first cross country trip and our first time in Virginia Beach. My nephew is graduating from HS. So sad how old I feel. Any recommendations for things to do, see, eat? I guess I better start taking this health thing more seriously. I'd really like to wear a bathing suit and not make people cry. 

Hope your week is excellent!

1 comment:

  1. If you need those cute little straps I have some green ones with monkeys on them :) That is hilarious about the boy jumping out of the bushes at you!
