Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pre-5am Wake Up Call

Exercise: 5.5 miles with 3@10k pace

I've been awake since before 5am and this is my first free moment of the day. Exhale... Today Little Man and I took an awesome field trip to Underwood Family Farms, a great little farm about 30 miles away. We saw animals, pretended to pan for gold, took plenty of train rides and climbed all over a tractor. Mommy is freaking exhausted;)

I also had a mommy playdate this afternoon that required some prep so I'm ready for bed but it's time to prep for the 3 playdates tomorrow. And hang with Music Man who just arrived home. This week is wearing me down but all I need is to get through Sunday's birthday party and we're all good.

Tomorrow is a cross training day so it's another pre 5am wake up call but hopefully I'll get a good night's rest tomorrow night before my run Thursday. I'm considering switching my long run to Thursday because of weekend festivities but I guess I'll have to see how I feel.

Rooms and flights are booked for Virginia Beach. The countdown to Vacation begins!

Have a great Wednesday!

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