Monday, January 7, 2013

Early Morning Monday

Exercise: 4.5 mile run yesterday

1 hour elliptical/ strength today

Today started with a 5am wake up call since Music Man needed to leave for work by 6. I am totally ok with rising early, except when I'm expected to be super productive. It hurt a little and everyone seemed a little out of sorts.

The dogs were the only ones lucky enough to go back to bed.

Little Man woke up and requested to take a bath, which he never does. And his bath time is always evening. But if he wants to be clean I'm not going to discourage that.

Then we finally got around to eating breakfast, grits with a tempered egg mixed in for Little Man and grits topped with an egg and Frank's Red Hot for me.

After breakfast Little Man colored and did puzzles with the iPad while I did my workout. I was a little apprehensive about getting him the iPad but there are so many educational games and interactive activities. It's been a really great tool, especially while I'm working out. He also runs around and plays with blocks, trains, cars and his myriad of other toys but the iPad allows us to be together and both entertained while I get my workout in.

Then there was floor mopping, laundry washing and folding, and some potty sitting. And that was all before 9am!

Now it's time for lunch and my first episode of West Wing. Can't wait!

Hope you have a wonderful and productive Monday!

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