Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back to School

Exercise: 30 minutes elliptical and hoping to get in a 30 minute run during preschool

Back at school! The start of the school day was a little rocky but Little Man acclimated quickly. Now he seems right at home. I'm feeling really positive about the start of this new year. Good things to come for sure!

Now that Little Man feels comfortable with me leaving for part of the school day I have about 45 minutes to myself. I had been going for coffee, taking a walk or getting gas...very quick errands. But that amount of time is perfect for a workout! So as long as I'm at preschool I plan to use that time for running. Perfect!

Group time is almost over so time to get ready to run! Have a great Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm finally catching up on your blog :). We'll have to talk about Gone Girl because I had one issue that bothered me, but others in the book club didn't mind it (maybe I wrote about it in the book club blog?). Red lipstick looks great on you! I like wearing it too because it "pops" so much. I feel very lucky that potty training was so easy for me! I have a feeling that Anderson might be a tough one? The donuts look super yummy! I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa :(. I'm glad that you are able to get some workouts in while the little one has his own entertainment!!! I need to get motivated and start working out and running. Your goals are awesome! One of mine was to keep up to date on my pictures! I just spent a lot of time uploading all of my photos (phones & cameras) to Picasa and then putting them online and organizing them. Such a chore! I also hope to blog more :). I'm glad that preschool is working out a little better and you get to leave!!! Happy New Year and we hope to see you, MM, and LM soon :)
