Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fingers Crossed

Exercise: 30 minutes elliptical intervals, 25 minutes run/walk intervals

Well, I'm still at preschool with Little Man but just returned from a run so I can honestly say things are getting much better. Although I am enjoying spending so much time with my boy I am looking forward to being done here, possibly by the end of this month. Preschool has been a great learning experience for both of us but I think it's good for us to have some space. Fingers crossed!

Now that I'm getting away for a little longer during school I'm trying to incorporate more exercise into my day because it has really taken a back seat in my life. Between Music Man being gone, potty training, and trips my days have been very full. I always try to get in at least a 30 minute workout but it is increasingly becoming more difficult. Things do feel like they're going a bit more smoothly now that Little Man is potty trained and Music Man is back until February. I hope it stays that way for at least a little while. Mama needs a break!

I'm really starting to look forward to February. I'm one of those silly people that gets excited for their birthday and it's my birthday month. Woohoo ;) I'm also a big fan of Valentine's Day; celebrating love is sweet! I know, I know, love should be celebrated year round but a little reminder never hurts. And any excuse to decorate and eat chocolate makes me smile.

And with that I am off to spy on Little Man. It is his first group time without me and I'm a little anxious to see if he behaves.

Hope you're having a great week!

(He is behaving! That's his little booty in the picture showing him interacting!)

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