Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year Changes

Exercise: planning a 3+ mile run during preschool

Only 10 days into the new year and things are already quite different than last year with the Little Man. The most surprising change is that he is now potty trained and it happened so quickly. We expected a long 2 weeks or more because he's always been so stubborn but by the third evening he was going on the potty on his own and hasn't stopped since. Kids are amazing at their ability to adapt.

Little Man's comfort in preschool is also showing great progress. After only one day back he's allowing me to run to my car, go to the restroom or just exit the room without any problems. He also seems so much more grown up and civilized in his interactions with other kids. It's pretty awesome. Don't get me wrong, he's still two and drives me nuts but it feels great to witness the positive progress.

This weekend also marks a big milestone: Our first family trip to an amusement park. Little Man is totally into Lego so he should find it exciting at least. Even if he can't go on a lot of the rides. Luckily he's a tall guy so he should be able to experience quite a lot. I've tried to explain the concept but he can't even grasp the awesomeness ;) I know I'm more excited than he is but I really hope he likes it.

And now art time is over so it's almost time to get ready to run. This is my only workout today so my fingers are crossed that separation goes well.

Happy almost Friday!

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