Friday, July 12, 2013

Family Hike

Exercise: (yesterday) 3.25 mile walk in the hot hot heat

(Today) 30 minute living room circuit and family trail walk

The humidity as of late has been off the charts. Yesterday was so muggy I was certain we had mistakenly moved to Florida. My walk was very slow going, perhaps from the thickness of the air? Later we got some refreshing rain which made all the humidity worth it.

Today we had planned a family outing to Ventura to a restaurant we love that happens to be both walking distance to a park and a beach. Both Music Man and I had morning activities that lasted much longer than we anticipated so we decided to do some local hiking/biking/walking instead. 

We walked from Santa Monica Mountain National Park to Point Mugu Stare Park and along the Boney Mountain trail.

The weather was amazing but it was a surreal landscape since most of the area was recently burned in The Camarillo Fire.

It made me really miss trail running and look forward to getting back out there again. A large portion of the trail is paved as well so I definitely see many family hikes with the new addition in the near future. 

Today has been a great start to the weekend. I'm looking forward to more good weather and having my parents and nephews out to visit. 

Hope you all have had a great week and enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New Beginnings...In the Middle

Exercise: 3.5 mile walk. Sub 16:30 pace. Ha

When I first found out I was pregnant I had all these goals for my pregnancy in regards to exercise and weight gain. I really wanted to run up until the day I gave birth. I was hoping to eat so healthily and gain very little weight. And hopefully end my pregnancy healthier than it began.

I think I lost sight of those goals within the first few weeks when I had my first bout of nausea and all that sounded palatable were bagels and jelly beans. Then I proceeded to fall twice as well as get sick twice, stage and move houses, and finally break my foot. That brings me to this week.

Yesterday was the first day I've felt really well in a few months and today is great too. I've been able to exercise, I'm not sick and I've eaten some tasty and healthy meals. It's not like I can diet now but I can still make the remainder of my pregnancy healthy. 

Here are my main goals for the remainder of my pregnancy and I will check in weekly with updates.

* exercise daily
* keep my walking pace below 17:30 minute miles- a far cry from the 10 minute mile runs I was hoping to continue with but still a good walking pace

* gain no more than 1 lb a week for the remainder of my pregnancy
* eat more fruit (I have no problem with vegetables but rarely eat fruit)
* drink plain water as opposed to the lemonade, juice and sodas I crave
* only one treat a day!!!

Here's to new the middle!!! πŸ˜€

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Exercise: 3 mile walk and 10 minute weights

Yesterday was definitely one of THOSE days. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and every occurrence fouled my mood. So today I woke up and went for a walk right after breakfast and the day went sooooo much better. Attitude really is everything. 

My foot is feeling so much better but I'm still taking it easy until the boot comes off August 2nd. Until then I'll just be doing light walking, elliptical, swimming and some weights. After the boot I might add in some prenatal yoga but can't do any balance on my left side right now. But that's something to look forward to. But walking is great for this one legged prego πŸ˜ƒ

Have I professed my love for our new home yet? It's not just the amazing home but the amazing area and weather. It's about 15 degrees cooler than where we used to live and about 15 minutes closer to the beach. And there's a lot to do, probably because its safe to be outside during the day and not over 100 in the summer. So we spend a lot of our days outside and we've found a great new MOMS club so Little Dude has some new boys to hang with. 

             (The grill was a train....?)

And little dude has finally started swim lessons. We never had access to a pool so it wasn't a big deal. Now that we have a community pool we're in it a few times a week and it's become pretty important that he learns to swim. Yesterday was the first lesson and it was a nightmare that ended in tears. He said he was afraid of the kids and the teacher. Just a mess. And then he complained of hunger.

Today was a huge improvement. I gave him a few crackers before class to sugar him up a bit πŸ˜‰and he did so well. Even started working on strokes. So cool!

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Felt Like a Marathon

Exercise: 2.5 mile walk... Uphill... With stroller... And a broken foot

It felt like a marathon. I was sweaty and out of breath by the end of my 40 minute walk. The doctor recommended I continue to get some moderate and safe exercise in the form of swim, elliptical, walking or weights so I'm sticking to that recommendation. And my foot must be healing well because afterwards I felt pretty good and even walked around the zoo with little pain. I'm still wearing a cool boot but at least it's working. 

We took Little Man to a teaching zoo today. I absolutely loved it. A lot of the animals were rescued from people that bought exotic animals as pets and couldn't care for them and others were sick or bred in captivity for commercial use. But it was an up close look at some animals you don't normally get to see that well. I really enjoyed seeing the African lioness so close and the monkeys and birds were great as well.

We also got to go on a date last night while my in-laws watched Little Man. Dinner was sandwiches at a place close to the theater where we saw World War Z in 3-D! Music Man loved it which made me happy because it was my choice to see it. And after reading the book (well almost finished) I had no idea how it would become a movie but I loved it too! Highly recommend it especially if you like action and zombies. It wasn't graphically bloody but visually stimulating and scary. 

Hope you all are having an awesome weekend. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Bumps & Boots

I try not to complain too much because my life is pretty blessed but I'm having a tough time these days. I mentioned last week that I keep falling this pregnancy and I hurt my foot. Well, ends up it's broken and I had to get a boot. Add to that the fact I can't have any pain killers, not even ibuprofen. And it's soooo hot in Southern California right now that a big plastic and poly boot and synthetic maternity pants are really adding to my discomfort. I'm just so damn cranky; fat, hot, and in pain. 
Waiting for my boot

Bump in the orthopedist's office

I know this will pass because it's honestly not that bad but I'm ready for some change for the better. 

Hope your week is going well and if it's not I have a feeling tomorrow will be better.