Saturday, July 6, 2013

Felt Like a Marathon

Exercise: 2.5 mile walk... Uphill... With stroller... And a broken foot

It felt like a marathon. I was sweaty and out of breath by the end of my 40 minute walk. The doctor recommended I continue to get some moderate and safe exercise in the form of swim, elliptical, walking or weights so I'm sticking to that recommendation. And my foot must be healing well because afterwards I felt pretty good and even walked around the zoo with little pain. I'm still wearing a cool boot but at least it's working. 

We took Little Man to a teaching zoo today. I absolutely loved it. A lot of the animals were rescued from people that bought exotic animals as pets and couldn't care for them and others were sick or bred in captivity for commercial use. But it was an up close look at some animals you don't normally get to see that well. I really enjoyed seeing the African lioness so close and the monkeys and birds were great as well.

We also got to go on a date last night while my in-laws watched Little Man. Dinner was sandwiches at a place close to the theater where we saw World War Z in 3-D! Music Man loved it which made me happy because it was my choice to see it. And after reading the book (well almost finished) I had no idea how it would become a movie but I loved it too! Highly recommend it especially if you like action and zombies. It wasn't graphically bloody but visually stimulating and scary. 

Hope you all are having an awesome weekend. 

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