I try not to complain too much because my life is pretty blessed but I'm having a tough time these days. I mentioned last week that I keep falling this pregnancy and I hurt my foot. Well, ends up it's broken and I had to get a boot. Add to that the fact I can't have any pain killers, not even ibuprofen. And it's soooo hot in Southern California right now that a big plastic and poly boot and synthetic maternity pants are really adding to my discomfort. I'm just so damn cranky; fat, hot, and in pain.
Bump in the orthopedist's office
I know this will pass because it's honestly not that bad but I'm ready for some change for the better.
Hope your week is going well and if it's not I have a feeling tomorrow will be better.
Sorry to hear about the boot! I know that it can't be fun having that and being pregnant in this crazy heat!