I actually created this blog a few months ago and had great plans to document my first pregnancy week by week. But the truth is I never got around to it. I find myself very distracted these days with fears and worries; which I think is normal at 24 weeks. I'm nearing the end of my second trimester and am really starting to feel pregnant at this point. So it seems like a good time to start documenting my progress.
I was so worried in the earlier weeks because I wasn't plagued by excessive nausea and exhaustion and I just didn't
feel very pregnant. I also had such a faint line on my first pregnancy test I sent myself into a tizzy wondering if I was actually pregnant or not. I consulted a bunch of random message boards that basically said "a light pink line could be a sign of an impending miscarriage." In case you are in this boat, I want you to know they are completely WRONG. A light pink line means there is a low hormone level. Maybe you tested too early and need to retest in a few days, or in my case you retest every hour on the hour until that faint line turns bright. And it did. So I made my first doctor's appointment and my worries were assuaged, for the time being.
Now, at 24 weeks, I have seen our little boy in 3D and I have even felt him kick so my stress level has gone down a bit. But this week I get to go in for my gestational diabetes test, which worries the heck outta me. I do exercise every day and eat reasonably well, but I started off this pregnancy overweight and that puts me at a higher risk for GD. A lot of my friends said to stay away from carbs and sugars for the week leading up to my test but my OB quashed that rumor. Apparently, your body will get used to the restricted carbs and when you take the test by drinking a sugary beverage, your body goes into shock. So for the next few days I will exercise and focus on eating well. Let's hope that's enough.
I will let you know how it goes.