Thursday, January 31, 2013

Heavy and Light

Exercise: 5.25 miles running and 2.5 mile preschool walk

Music Man and I got to go on a date last night. Dinner and a concert, it was so great. We went to a restaurant we hadn't been to in a while because we have mixed feelings about it (Yelp feels the same way, but I was craving a Margarita. We were pleasantly surprised that the margarita and dinner were both awesome and it was pretty inexpensive since we got 2 meals, drinks and tip for $40. Not bad for LA.

The concert was a charity benefit called Heavy and Light for To Write Love On Her Arms
which is a non-profit that offers hope and help for those suffering from depression, and addiction. One of the bands that Music Man does a lot of work with was headlining the show so it was fun to see in person what I've been hearing for months. The headlining band was Fiction Family which consists of Jon Foreman from Switchfoot and Sean Watkins from Nickel Creek. It's super cute. But we got to see one other singer whom I'd never heard of but thought was great, Christina Perri. Very reminiscent of Regina Spektor, you know, girl with piano kinda vibe.

We stayed up later than I like, meaning past 9 pm 😀 but it was fun to get away from the valley. Then I got out early this morning to go for a run which was pretty slow but I got it done. And now I'm at school praying it's my last day.

Hope you're having a good week.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Free At Last

Exercise: 5 mile run, 2 mile walk during preschool

Rejoice! Celebrate! After 5 months of preschool today is my first spent completely out of the classroom! Tear free! I don't want to count my chickens but I am so so happy. I will miss seeing Hunter enjoying school but I will not miss sitting in uncomfortable chairs for 3 hours a day. Or the lonely back room...of dread ;)

Hopefully this will be one of my final back room self portraits ;)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

This Post Brought to You by the Number 5

Exercise: 3.75 mile wet and dreary run around the neighborhood and 1.5 mile walk around preschool. At least I got 5 miles on my feet

Seriously, all I do at preschool is read and play with the camera on my phone. It's getting old after 5 months. At least I have a new iPhone 5 to play with.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fingers Crossed

Exercise: 30 minutes elliptical intervals, 25 minutes run/walk intervals

Well, I'm still at preschool with Little Man but just returned from a run so I can honestly say things are getting much better. Although I am enjoying spending so much time with my boy I am looking forward to being done here, possibly by the end of this month. Preschool has been a great learning experience for both of us but I think it's good for us to have some space. Fingers crossed!

Now that I'm getting away for a little longer during school I'm trying to incorporate more exercise into my day because it has really taken a back seat in my life. Between Music Man being gone, potty training, and trips my days have been very full. I always try to get in at least a 30 minute workout but it is increasingly becoming more difficult. Things do feel like they're going a bit more smoothly now that Little Man is potty trained and Music Man is back until February. I hope it stays that way for at least a little while. Mama needs a break!

I'm really starting to look forward to February. I'm one of those silly people that gets excited for their birthday and it's my birthday month. Woohoo ;) I'm also a big fan of Valentine's Day; celebrating love is sweet! I know, I know, love should be celebrated year round but a little reminder never hurts. And any excuse to decorate and eat chocolate makes me smile.

And with that I am off to spy on Little Man. It is his first group time without me and I'm a little anxious to see if he behaves.

Hope you're having a great week!

(He is behaving! That's his little booty in the picture showing him interacting!)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year Changes

Exercise: planning a 3+ mile run during preschool

Only 10 days into the new year and things are already quite different than last year with the Little Man. The most surprising change is that he is now potty trained and it happened so quickly. We expected a long 2 weeks or more because he's always been so stubborn but by the third evening he was going on the potty on his own and hasn't stopped since. Kids are amazing at their ability to adapt.

Little Man's comfort in preschool is also showing great progress. After only one day back he's allowing me to run to my car, go to the restroom or just exit the room without any problems. He also seems so much more grown up and civilized in his interactions with other kids. It's pretty awesome. Don't get me wrong, he's still two and drives me nuts but it feels great to witness the positive progress.

This weekend also marks a big milestone: Our first family trip to an amusement park. Little Man is totally into Lego so he should find it exciting at least. Even if he can't go on a lot of the rides. Luckily he's a tall guy so he should be able to experience quite a lot. I've tried to explain the concept but he can't even grasp the awesomeness ;) I know I'm more excited than he is but I really hope he likes it.

And now art time is over so it's almost time to get ready to run. This is my only workout today so my fingers are crossed that separation goes well.

Happy almost Friday!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Back to School

Exercise: 30 minutes elliptical and hoping to get in a 30 minute run during preschool

Back at school! The start of the school day was a little rocky but Little Man acclimated quickly. Now he seems right at home. I'm feeling really positive about the start of this new year. Good things to come for sure!

Now that Little Man feels comfortable with me leaving for part of the school day I have about 45 minutes to myself. I had been going for coffee, taking a walk or getting gas...very quick errands. But that amount of time is perfect for a workout! So as long as I'm at preschool I plan to use that time for running. Perfect!

Group time is almost over so time to get ready to run! Have a great Tuesday.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Early Morning Monday

Exercise: 4.5 mile run yesterday

1 hour elliptical/ strength today

Today started with a 5am wake up call since Music Man needed to leave for work by 6. I am totally ok with rising early, except when I'm expected to be super productive. It hurt a little and everyone seemed a little out of sorts.

The dogs were the only ones lucky enough to go back to bed.

Little Man woke up and requested to take a bath, which he never does. And his bath time is always evening. But if he wants to be clean I'm not going to discourage that.

Then we finally got around to eating breakfast, grits with a tempered egg mixed in for Little Man and grits topped with an egg and Frank's Red Hot for me.

After breakfast Little Man colored and did puzzles with the iPad while I did my workout. I was a little apprehensive about getting him the iPad but there are so many educational games and interactive activities. It's been a really great tool, especially while I'm working out. He also runs around and plays with blocks, trains, cars and his myriad of other toys but the iPad allows us to be together and both entertained while I get my workout in.

Then there was floor mopping, laundry washing and folding, and some potty sitting. And that was all before 9am!

Now it's time for lunch and my first episode of West Wing. Can't wait!

Hope you have a wonderful and productive Monday!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

In Celebration

My grandfather passed away peacefully this morning surrounded by his wife and children.

My grandfather was an amazing storyteller and king of puns. I am so grateful Little Man was able to meet him and I can't wait to retell some of grandpa's favorite stories. Ever heard of a hoopsnake? It's my favorite ;)

In celebration of my granddad let's raise a glass of white wine, a handful of popcorn (his perfect lunch!!) and toast to a long happy life filled with love.

Have a great Saturday.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Pee for Progress

Exercise: 5.5 mile run, 7.25 mile bike ride, 1 mile walk with fam

Today was the third day of our intensive potty training regimen and the first day of real progress. I'll post about it when we're through the thick of it but I don't have any real knowledge on the subject so I'm keepin' my mouth closed til I do. What I can say is that the last 3 days have been beyond exhausting and this is the hardest battle we've faced to date. And I feel like I deserve a prize. Ha.

So now it's hang time with the hubs. Celebrating our successes with chocolate chip cookies, cheap champagne and Looper. Perfect end to an insane week.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Another Quickie

Exercise: 1.5 mile walk and 55 min elliptical

Because LA traffic can be a nightmare I left my house quite early for a dentist appointment this morning. I arrived with 20 mins to spare so I used the time to enjoy some fresh air and take a walk. It was a great way to start the day and a great way to ease some pre-dentist stress. Which was unnecessary anyway because it turns out my teeth are pretty healthy. Sweet.

We are still in the midst of intensive potty training so today has been busy busy busy. Yesterday was just exhausting but today showed some real progress (like leaving the house for 2 hours without any accidents) which feels like such an accomplishment. I'm hoping that with how focused we've been that tomorrow will be the last exhausting day and the future will just be follow through. Fingers crossed ;)

And lastly, if you enjoy pork chops, you must try this recipe from Smitten Kitchen. It was so incredibly easy and delicious. In fact, if you ever don't know what to make for dinner, always check the SK site first. You won't be sorry!

Have a wonderful end of the week and an awesome weekend.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Healthier Donuts

Exercise: it took me over 3 hours to complete a 45 minute workout. But I got 'er done ;) So glad to get a strength session in. Also took a 1 mile walk with the little.

We're starting intensive potty training and between multiple wardrobe changes, hours of convincing the little dude that sitting on the potty is awesome and figuring out an appropriate reward system we're all exhausted. All I can say is... hoo boy... it's tough.

So we got revved up this morning with some homemade donuts. Nothing like sugar and coffee to start your morning right! The little man requested them and I wanted to start his morning on a happy note so I made a healthier version. Music Man gave me a mini donut pan last Christmas and I was happy to have a reason to use it. I just used Trader Joe's multi-grain baking mix and added some applesauce, shredded carrots and spices to make a carrot cake-ish donut. I frosted them with cream cheese with a little powdered sugar and a few sprinkles. Pretty healthy and a huge hit! Can't wait to make these again with zucchini, super yum!

Hope your new year is treating well. Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Crushing Mileage

Exercise: hoping for 6 easy miles

It was great to wake up this morning feeling rested and hangover free. I did have a few glasses of wine last night but stopped early, had a yummy meal prepared by good friends and was asleep before the clock turned midnight. And it wasn't boring, it was great relaxing in the warmth of my home. Oh dear, I'm getting old ;)

Today should be a great morning to start this year off with a run; slightly cloudy with cool temps and no hangover is perfection. I actually looked at my year in review of workouts when I first woke up and it helped me solidify my exercise resolutions for the year. According to Strava my yearly mileage was 705 but it was imported from Sportstracker so I know some runs are missing, some months were completely blank, and some mileage might be from cycling. Because I've been very consistent with my running this year I believe my actual running mileage is closer to 800. So my first resolution this year is to up it to 1000. And crush this year ;)

So here are my resolutions, I'm keeping it nice and simple (achievable):

1. Run/ walk 1000 miles
2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
3. Finish a painting

I do have a few other goals for the year but I like the idea of keeping the list short, sweet and easy to accomplish.

Have a wonderful new year!!!!

What are 3 of your goals for the year?