Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mommy's Play Time

Exercise: 1 hour strength circuit...and more gardening, tis the season

I woke up this morning to 4 zits and a crop of new grey hairs. Such a rude awakening! I've been wearing a lot of baby barrettes lately, I guess I'm subconsciously trying to hold onto my youth. At the old age of 33 ;)

Today has been a whirlwind. I spent most of the afternoon preparing to host a play group for multiple ages which meant bringing out all the toys we own and cleaning every surface because there were crawling babies which we haven't had in over a year! But it's great to have everyone over because I'm forced to clean up and the house looks so nice... until 10 kiddos come and destroy it!

The kids had such a great time, for a small yard ours is pretty great.

Trampoline, ball pit, water table, slide climber, sand box, every ride on and push toy imaginable. It's probably overkill for one kid... But super rad for play dates!

I have another hill workout planned for tomorrow. I'm going to take it inside because the next few days are supposed to be pretty hot. I'll probably stick to a shorter run, just 5 miles or so so I can save my legs for a trail run on Saturday. When I told Music Man where I ran last weekend he suggested I add another 1.5-2 mile trail to a place called eagle spring (how cool is map my run???) I guess there's a majestic ocean view on this route...but look at the elevation gains! So steep. I can't wait. I swear I used to dislike hills until trail running. Now I can't get enough. It's mommy's play time!

Little Man is asleep so it's guilty pleasure time! ANTM, chocolate pretzels and maybe an adult beverage. Have a lovely rest of your evening.

1 comment:

  1. Your backyard is awesome for the little ones! Thanks for hosting last night!!


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